Homestay in Tso Moriri Lake |
is a unique trans-Himalayan region in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
Situated at an altitude of 4595 meters above sea level in this region
lies the brackish water lake of Tso Moriri. Tso Moriri is spread over an
area of 120 sq.km. with a maximum depth of 40 m. and is one of the
world’s highest lakes and the largest brackish water body in the Indian
Changthang (Chang means north and thang means plains) region. Changthang is part of the Tibet’s vast northern plateau land.
lake represents a unique wetland type in the trans-himalayan
biogeographic zone and harbours a distinctive assemblage of fauna and
flora, significantly, the blacknecked crane (Grus nigricollis). The lake plays a vital role as a breeding ground, particularly for the barheaded geese (Anser indicus)
and key staging posts for many other migratory water birds. Tso Moriri
is a Wetland Conservation Reserve (Under the Jammu and Kashmir Wildlife
Protection Act 1978) and was also recognized a wetland of international
importance as Ramsar Site in 2002. The lake is part of the Changthang
Cold Desert Wildlife Sanctuary declared under the Wildlife (Protection)
Act, 1972 (WWF India/MoEF).
The Changthang plateau is inhabited by the nomadic Changpa community who moves with its livestock in search of grazing grounds in tune with the changing seasons. However, more and more Changpas are resorting to a settled way of life. A permanent settlement of Changpas
exists on the shore of this lake. This is the village of Korzok. There
are at present, approximately 149 households comprised of both settled
and nomadic communities. Of these 23 households are settled in the
village. Among the nomads, the Tigazong group comprises of 80 households and the Phestse
group comprises of 25 households. Besides these, there are 21
households belonging to Tibetan refugees. The village also has a
300-year-old monastery (Manoharan et al 2006).
Traditionally, the wealth of Changpa
family is determined by the size of the herd they possess. However
there is a concern over the decrease in pasture land and the lifestyle
of Changpas has also changed ever since the opening of the road connecting this area to Leh and the subsequent increase in tourism.
has increased drastically in this area and numbers have risen from a
few hundred to several thousand today. As a consequence, unregulated
tourism has emerged as a conservation threat. Tourists who come with
their pack animals—donkeys, mules and horses, are putting additional
pressure on the already depleting pasturelands. Vehicles that bring
tourists are often washed in the lake and connecting streams. Increased
human activity disturbs wildlife and also causes degradation of the
ecosystem. Camping of visitors close to the breeding sites of several
highly endangered species has adversely affected conservation
initiatives. There is also limited accommodation in the area surrounding
the lake. At present the village and the lake area can accommodate a
total of 35 tourists, through a combination of tents, guesthouses, a
resort and the recently started home stays.
India has been working in this region since 1999. The main focus of its
work has been to develop a strategy and plan for the conservation of
this and other selected high altitude wetlands in Ladakh. During the
course of WWF India’s work here it became clear that conservation of
this wetland would not be possible without the participation of the
local people. In mid 2002, WWF India facilitated the establishment of
the Tso Moriri Conservation Trust, which was legally registered under
the Trust Act of the Jammu and Kashmir State (WWF India 2000). The idea
of the Trust was to support local people to finally take over
conservation efforts in the area. The head lama of the local monastery
and a retired schoolteacher, both highly respected by the local
community, were unanimously chosen by the villagers as the Chairman and
vice-Chairman of the Trust.
The Need for A Greater Stake in the Tourism Activities
the increase in tourism in Ladakh and the Tso Moriri wetland, local
people have been increasingly feeling the need for a greater stake in
this industry and have been discussing ways and means of doing so with
the WWF India team. Until a year ago tourists came to the lake and
stayed at the limited accommodation available or camped at the
designated campsites. There is one camping site run by a local community
member and there is other land that is rented out for camping by other
villagers. All in all, there has been comparatively little benefit that
the villagers of Korzok got from tourism at the lake. As a result they
were also only peripherally interested in the conservation of the lake.
Planning and Capacity Building for Community-based Tourism
is with this in mind that planning for a greater stake for communities
started at Korzok. The first exercise conducted towards this was a set
of visitor surveys through questionnaires in 2000-01. The questionnaires
were designed to understand the tourist profile and what the tourists’
expectations of hospitality were. The survey revealed that many tourists
visiting Tso Moriri came for adventure. Most however came for the
aesthetic and cultural experience. Further analysis showed that most
tourists felt that the local communities should benefit from tourism and
encouraged the development of home stays.
by the results of the survey, the WWF India team carried out
discussions and groundwork for developing homestays over a period of two
years. The women folk of Korzok were in particular, increasingly
getting interested in this concept where they could let out a room in
their house to tourists and play local host to tourists while also
earning some thing from this initiative. The women had heard that this
was possible from their relatives who lived in the Rumbak and Markha
valleys of Ladakh. The women thus approached WWF India for support in
this initiative. Ten home stays were selected on the basis of some basic
criteria such as location of the house; cleanliness and space; ability
of the women in the house to handle tourist etc.
homestays were named after birds that are regular visitors to the lake.
Each homestay has one room dedicated for the tourist within an
archetypal Ladakhi household. The room allocated is meant for two to
three tourists and is provided with the very basic amenities like
mattresses, blankets etc. Tourists are expected to use the indigenous
Ladakhi toilet facilities, which are clean and environmentally friendly.
Tourists eat with the host family in the typical Ladakhi kitchen, where
the lady of the house serves them a traditional Ladakhi meal or what
the tourists ask for. Most of the homestays have a spectacular view of
the lake. Overall, these homestays provide the complete Ladakhi
experience to tourists, besides of course offering comfortable
accommodation at a reasonable rate to enable the tourist to enjoy the
lake and its environs.
the summer of 2006, just before the advent of the tourist season, the
team facilitated an interesting capacity building exercise with resource
persons who were themselves successfully running homestays in the Hemis
National Park in another region of Ladakh. The team from Hemis
consisted of four women and one man. This week long training programme
was held with the basic objectives of: i) training the owners of the
homestays for efficient management; ii) training the women in aspects of
cooking for tourist, hygiene etc. iii) training the owners in the
financial aspects.
was distinctive about this training was the fact that there were fellow
Ladakhis who conducted the training, increasing the camaraderie and
trust between the trainers and the trainees. On the first day, after the
introduction, the trainers shared experiences about hygiene, waste
segregation, boiling of drinking water etc. On Day 2, the discussion
started with how tourists should be distributed among the homestays
without clash of interests. Later, a marketing strategy for the Korzok
homestays was discussed. On Day 3, the resource persons visited every
potential homestay and provided ‘hands on’ experience on cooking and
cleaning. Day 4 was spent in working on guidelines for tourists visiting
homestays. These guidelines were finalized by the end of the day. Day 5
focussed on the review of every homestay by the resource persons. A
discussion was carried out on Day 6 on how to make the village of Korzok
and surrounding areas clean. On the concluding day, the finalized
guidelines were put up in every homestay. The day ended with a cultural
In a rather unique gesture pertaining to Budhhism called Chuspon,
by the end of the training, the trainees and the trainers were bound to
each other by a special everlasting relationship. This is a partnership
which binds two people through Chuspon where by there always a
sharing of gifts whenever one visits the other and each is always
welcome in the other’s house. This extraordinary relationship
strengthened the bond between the resource persons and the homestay
owners and encouraged the homestay owners to be more professional in
their approach.
of the funds required for the training was contributed by the homestay
owners themselves and 50% came from the Trust. Some seed money was given
by WWF India. The distribution of tourists is carried out by two
homestay owners by rotation. There is a fixed tariff for all homestays,
which is very strictly adhered to. At present benefits arising out of
this enterprise go directly to the homestay owners. The Tso Moriri
Conservation Trust will eventually take over the complete management of
home stays. It is foreseen then that there would be a central management
of funds and also a common fund to be used for other related
activities. Several other management systems will have to be worked out
to avoid conflict, which may arise as this initiative grows.
ten homestay owners take the lead in collecting garbage every month.
The non-biodegradable garbage is sent back to Leh at the end of the
season. Each homestay also has a register for tourists to provide their
feedback to their hosts. This will definitely help in improving the
homestay facilities. Feedback from tourists this season has indicated
that this endeavour has been highly appreciated by them. Some comments
are as follows:
hope that the project of homestays will really help the people of
Korzok to preserve their village and the marvelous lake. Please pay
attention to the garbage disposal and do not use too much cement”.
a wonderful way to visit and be part of a (rather exotic) part of a
village. Wonderful cooking and extreme friendliness and respect. The
homestay was the best guesthouse experience during India travels”.
you for hospitality and good cooking. We hope very much that the
excellent Korzok homestay system will help local people as well as
conserve the wonderful fauna and flora of Tso Moriri. You live in a very
special place”.
home stays in Korzok are at a preliminary stage, but have been vastly
popular with tourists in the season of 2006. The women who are running
these are suddenly feeling empowered and energized. The people of Korzok
feel that they are finally getting their fair share from tourism at Tso
Moriri. They are also now clearly seeing the significance of the lake
and conserving it if the tourists are to continue coming. The head Lama
of the local Monastry says that the early tourists that he remembers
visiting the lake over 20 to 30 years ago stayed in local people’s
homes. There were no other tourist facilities in the area. Looks like
things have come full circle at Tso Moriri, with the homestays gaining
more popularity.
Lessons Learnt
-This is a significant homestay initiative where the local people themselves came forward to start this enterprise.
the support of an external agency (WWF India) is required to take such
an initiative forward particularly in such a remote area.
building of the homestay owners is vital and it is best if this is
imparted through experience sharing with people from the same region if
local institution (The Tsomoriri Conservation Trust) is necessary for
the management of such an enterprise and is also important to ensure the
equitable sharing of benefits as also to resolve any conflicts that
prior planning and consultation is required before starting a venture
like this. Any such enterprise cannot happen overnight.
is also a need for stringent guidelines followed by regular monitoring
of the same to ensure that quality of service is maintained.